Stella Maris (Luglio 2021)

The world is still struggling with the Covid-19 pandemic, which shapes our current reality. It is probable that, for some time, psychologists and sociologists will be able to assess what impact a virus that has spread across the world can have on our psyche, on our daily life and on human attitudes. It is an interesting fact that, just when the whole world is being armored and one country seeks to be better-equipped than another with modern military equipment and we are, collectively, attacked by the enemy against which this modern equipment is completely and totally useless.
In the midst of the great discussion on vaccines and whether to be vaccinated or not, we should not forget the role of intellectual reflection on other aspects of our everyday life. We want to share part of them in the second issue of our magazine.
The first article is by Giovanni Grosso, the president of our Carmelite Institute in Rome. We thank him that, among the many duties he has, apart from being the President of the Institute and an academic teacher, he found time to share with us his article about the role of metaphor and symbol in our Carmelite history and spirituality.
Our Christian life cannot be detached from everyday life, in each of us has to discern our own vocation. Our brother, José Adriano Gomes da Silva, O.Carm., from the Brazilian province of Pernambuco, will share his reflection on the context of formation in the second article.
Two of our brothers from St. Albert’s House, Deepak Jose, from India, and Tran Van Hung, from Vietnam, study at the University of Saint Thomas in Rome. It happens that they both attended a seminar dedicated to Saint Augustine and we want to share the fruits of their participation in this seminar. Deepak will present the theme of friendship and Tran Van Hung the spiritual itinerary of Saint Augustine.
Saint John from the Cross belongs to the Carmelite classics. As an author, however, he remains demanding for his reader. We can read about his concept of dark faith in the article by Diep, from Vietnam, our PhD student in fundamental theology at the Gregorian University.
We will finish the second number of our journal with a review written by Prof. Aureliano Pacciolla and Vagner Sanagiotto, from Brazil, our PhD student in psychology at the Salesian University of Rome.
Content of Stella Maris (Luglio 2021)
Kuba Walczak O.Carm
Giovanni Grosso O.Carm
Simbolica poetica carmelitana
José Adriano Gomes da Silva O.Carm
A conversão do agir humano na perspectiva cristológica e formativa
Deepak Jose O.Carm
Understanding the Development of the Theme of Friendship in Saint Augustine that Culminates in Christian Fraternal Charity
Tran Van Hung O.Carm
An Exploration of Elements in Augustine’s Spiritual Journey that Led him to the Point of Conversion
Dinh Van Diep O.Carm
Obscure Faith According to Saint John of the Cross
(Read the full magazine in PDF below)