Stella Maris (Luglio 2023)
Editoriale di Kuba Walczak È probabilmente un’esperienza abbastanza comune sentire il tempo che passa molto velocemente. Le ore, i giorni e i mesi successivi passano sorprendentemente in fretta. È trascorso più di un anno dall’ultimo numero e l’impressione è che sia passato soltanto qualche mese. Nell’editoriale del numero precedente ho scritto della guerra in Ucraina. Purtroppo non è cambiato nulla a questo proposito. La guerra è ancora in corso, ma vale la pena ricordare che non è l’unico luogo al mondo in cui è in corso un conflitto armato. Negli ultimi anni si è prestata molta attenzione al cambiamento climatico, a ciò che stiamo facendo al mondo in cui viviamo.…
Stella Maris (Aprile 2022)
This is the third number of our journal, which we want to present to our readers. Wondering what I might say in this editorial, I reviewed the editorial I wrote several months ago, and I was struck by two things. The first is that the time of this pandemic is not yet over, and the second is that, we could have predicted that this would be the case and that it is not something that should surprise us. There is, however, something else, which I would never have imagined. In the previous editorial, I wrote about the world being armed with modern military equipment and technology, while the whole of…
Stella Maris (Luglio 2021)
The world is still struggling with the Covid-19 pandemic, which shapes our current reality. It is probable that, for some time, psychologists and sociologists will be able to assess what impact a virus that has spread across the world can have on our psyche, on our daily life and on human attitudes. It is an interesting fact that, just when the whole world is being armored and one country seeks to be better-equipped than another with modern military equipment and we are, collectively, attacked by the enemy against which this modern equipment is completely and totally useless. In the midst of the great discussion on vaccines and whether to be…
Stella Maris (Luglio 2020)
We are beginning our journey through the unlimited ocean of human thought, which is the result of intellectual reflection, prayer and openness to the action of the divine Spirit. We hope this journey can continue and make us grow; maybe one day we can see that the journal, now at its beginning, was the germ of the first attempts of some who, by then, will have become the recognized authorities in theology or in other fields. This number opens with an article by our Hungarian brother, Péter Bozi, who belongs to the Spanish province of Arago – Castilla – Valencia. Péter is still doing the first cycle and is a…